Schroedahl Type AVC High pressure control valve

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Produkte die mit A beginnen:
Produktnummer Type AVC High pressure control valve
Hersteller Schroedahl

Description: Type AVC High pressure control valve ( Schroedahl )

Schroedahl Type AVC High pressure control valve

Product Name: Schroedahl Type AVC High pressure control valve
Product Brand: Schroedahl
Product Code: Type AVC High pressure control valve
Product Artikel: Schroedahl Type AVC High pressure control valve
Product features- Two valves in one: the start-up valve and the full load valve combined in a single valve- Screwed-on housing cover- The AVC valve uses two throttle bodies on one stem and opens up a much wider range of application of 1:500- For the best handling of diffi cult operating conditions with extremely high demands on adjustability and high-quality pressure control

Produktvorschläge Schroedahl