Nuovafima MN9/N DN100

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Produkte die mit A beginnen:
Produktnummer MN9/N DN100
Hersteller Nuovafima

Description: MN9/N DN100 ( Nuovafima )

Nuovafima MN9/N DN100

Product Name: Nuovafima MN9/N DN100
Product Brand: Nuovafima
Product Code: MN9/N DN100
Product Artikel: Nuovafima MN9/N DN100
Industrial sector: Machine building (OEM) Heating, ventilation, air condictioctioning (HVAC) Technical gases Instrument type: Capsule pressure gauges Specific applications: Low pressure Vacuum Combined (Vacuum + Pressure) Conformity: EN 837 standard EAC Conformity Accuracy: 1,0 of FSV 1,6 of FSV Function: Local indication Material: Staniless steel and copper alloys Range: 0...25 / 0...600mbar Sensing element: Capsule Protection degree: IP 55 Sensing element material: Copper alloy Working pressure: 75% of FSV

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